DW: Ben, do you know more than you did before you died?
BEN: No I just know what I knew but didn't know that I knew. DW: Like what? BEN: That we are all part of one big infinity. That we aren't individuals but part of the whole. That what seems real in one life will be fantasy in another. That we're playing roles in a big drama. That we might be the hero this time and the villain the next. DW: The rich guy in one and the poor guy in the next? BEN: Yes! The pretty boy in one life and the ugly girl in the next. DW: But why would anyone choose to be ugly or poor or a villain? BEN: For the joy! DW: Excuse me? BEN: The joy of creating a story that will inspire art and science---every kind of creation! DW: But what about the victims? BEN: They inspire. And they find Beauty in their poverty. They inspire people to make changes and create new ways. DW: What about the people who destroyed this country's and most of the world's economy, putting people out of work and out of their homes? BEN: It was time for a new system. The people are in the process of creating it. They would be proud of their creation. DW: Are you saying that or am I quotng Abraham? BEN: I'm saying the same things Abraham says. It's all about creating.· DW: I would tend to disagree that we aren't individuals. I would say we are but also part of the whole. 20 July 2012 at 04:02 · BEN: You would like to think you are an individual. And while you are in a body you can believe you are an individual. But individuality is an artificial construct. You need it because you don't understand what it means to be part of the ONE. DW: So do we all sink back into the ONE like raindrops in the ocean and lose all sense of ourselves. BEN: That's what I mean when I say you don't understand. It starts with infinite possibilities and an infinite variety of what you call You, all of them acting and Being and Interacting with each other. You will be amazed at how conscious and aware you are when connected to infinite Source and how limited and limiting individuality is. May 12, 2013