Our friend Laura contacted us with a "situation." It seems that a pair of her friends had moved into an old house in one of the historic towns in the California foothills. Laura explains: It was one of the California Gold Rush towns and therefore a LOT of murders took place - a lot of violent murders - took place there. There were a lot of whore houses and gold miners who cared nothing about anybody but themselves. I have read that when these kinds of conditions existed it makes for very restless ghosts. SO....anyway, it seems there is a ghost living in this house too. They have experienced knocking on walls, the feeling someone was present, and now my friend has been awakened at night by whispering in his ear and a kind of screeching in his ear. Last night my friend AND the daughter heard a man's voice - as if it were coming from another room but not from another house. What do any of you make of this and if possible, how do they make it stop. The girlfriend has heard the knocking on the walls but only my friend and the daughter have heard the man's voice. I don't think they could make out words-it just sounded like someone talking in another room - kind of muffled. At this point I want to mention that Julia Assante _(q.v.) distinguishes between ghosts and dead people. Ben does not always make that same distinction. ![]()
One of Ben's fans asked "Did you show up in your crossing guard uniform and walk them home? Or do you only do this for 'whole people"? Ben said, "I helped them find the way to go. Their own soul selves were waiting. They didn't need me to go with them. If they come back I will offer to escort them. But I think they will be okay now. We're all energy and we're all part of the Whole. Even ghosties who are left behind by their larger selves need love and guidance. For these ghosties I think my sheriff's uniform might be more effective. (See photo.) I expressed some sincere doubts about whether or not Ben could do what he said he was doing. I admitted that sometimes he liked to pull my leg. And his choice of picture to illustrate his role as sheriff did not add to the gravitas of the situation. The next day I asked Laura what she had heard from her friends. She said, "Ben 's actions may just have done the trick - my friend told me today there was NO activity last night at all! Hopefully who/whatever it was does understand now and will leave my poor friends to sleep in peace. If my friends can now live in that house peacefully I'm sure they will be ever grateful! I told my friend about Ben (without mentioning the name) - he was quite accepting of it - but I am guessing a few weeks ago he would NOT have been so accepting of it (before this all started happening to him.)
Ben responded, "I hope so too. You can't always tell. Loose energy can be chaotic but I think they'll be fine. If they have any more problems let me know." A couple of weeks later I heard from Laura again and I asked her how her friends in the foothills were doing. She said, "My friends have made friends with the ghost - they hear only pleasant noises now - like wind chime and/or music box sounds! Sometimes only SHE can hear it, sometimes only HE can only hear it and sometimes they BOTH can hear the sounds! My friend has been working on the landscaping and "senses" the ghost is at least aware - he "feels" the ghost is pleased because I guess before they moved in, the people before didn't do anything with the landscaping. They have had no more trouble sleeping. He said to thank Ben AGAIN!! They are SO happy now!! I suggested that now that the "Ghosties" have crossed over and reunited with their spirits they are free to come back and visit on friendly terms. Ben just said, "Yup."
AuthorI'm Ben's PIP. (Partner of Invisible Person. He's not something awesome like Abraham or Kryon or Bashar or Seth. He says he's "just a regular old dead guy." ArchivesCategories |