This is a converstion I had with Ben recently. I had asked him about the Shift earlier and he had declined to comment much. This conversation took place in January of 2013, several days after the anti-calimactic Dec. 21 had passed.
Ben: What I want to say is that everyone here is part of the new Awareness. We the people of this planet, and that includes me only peripherally, are seeing a SHIFT. D: People have been talking about that a lot. Ben: Well, it's true. People are suddenly knowing things they were not able to know before. Scientists are discovering new objects in space and under the seas. Some people are really frightened. They know something is happening but they don't know what. They think bigger guns will help them cope. D: That's scary. Ben: Yes, but it's actually a good thing. By acknowledging their fear, people are saying that an important change is happening. Even though they don't understand, they are validating the awarenesses of those who are capable of seeing and hearing at the new higher vibration. D: What are people seeing and hearing at the new higher vibration? Ben: Things that people only suspected or made up stories about in the past. D: Good things? Ben: Absolutely. The reality behind the ghost stories that told of icy fingers on the backs of necks and unseen horrors that made the scalp tingle. D: I know what all that is. Ben: Of course you do. It's your sweet Ghosty Boy getting your attention so he can chat with all our friends. For centuries people have been getting messages they couldn't understand and they have been making up stories and looking for ways to not feel frightened. And people who can see or are willing to pretend they do have made themselves powerful by promising to control and frighten away the things that go bump in the night. D: So what's different? Ben: People like you are beginning to hear people like me. D: Haven't there always been special people who could communicate with the dead? Ben: Yes. But you aren't special. And I'm not dead. D: So? Ben: More and more people are having experiences once thought to be supernatural. You know at one time human beings couldn't see the colors you see now. D: I remember Caroline Myss saying something about that. Ben: Human beings functioned at a lower frequency than they do now. People are beginning to function at a still higher frequency. Soon everyone will be catching glimpses of those they think have crossed over to some sort of heavenly promised land. D: Why? Ben: Because we, the no-longer-embodied, are invisible because we exist at a higher frequency than you can see. But as your frequency raises it will be closer to ours and you will become more aware of our presence and our existence and the continuingness of our consciousness. D: A lot of people really like for other people to be dead. That's one of the scary things about ghost stories-- when someone comes back to get revenge. Of just to spy, or to nag or to interfere with new relationships. Ben: People project a lot of stuff on to their ghosts. When a ghost seems to haunt it's because the person who feels haunted has some issues they should be dealing with. D: Why do ghosts haunt castles? Ben: It's good for business. D: Ahem. Ben: Okay. Well a lot of what people think is the presence of a deceased person is really just stuck energy. And people get interested and feed it more energy. Some real people do come back because somebody needs to work out some stuff with them. But it's the surviving person who writes the script and directs the action. The weird stuff is all coming out of their unconscious or semi conscious guilt or anger or fear. D: What about demons? Ben: If that is what someone needs to work out his issues that is what he will create. D: What about me talking to you? Ben: That's what I'm talking about. We are an example of how someone like you can hear and communicate with somebody like me. It's happening more and more. And it's not about anything terrifying or even particularly mysterious. It's like when you get closer to the top of the mountain you can see a wider view. It was there all the time; you just had to get to a place where you could see it. D: Is anything else going to happen beside everybody talking to their dead relatives? Ben: Of course. All sorts of wonderful things will be revealed about earth and space and life and life beyond life. D: Will the magic be gone if all those things are revealed? Ben: Heavens no! The magic is endless. Don't ever be afraid of knowing too much because you don't think you will love what you find or you think you won't be able to love what you used to love. When the supernatural is exposed as natural there will be whole new dimensions of supernatural waiting to be discovered. D: What about the people stocking up on assault weapons? Ben: You can see the division widening. It almost seems like those people don't live on the same planet and share the same reality with the people who want to find solutions that don't involve killing. And they don't. Eventually that is going to become even more obvious. It's a matter of vibration. People who are functioning at a low vibration and refuse to elevate are soon going to be occupying a different world from those whose higher vibration is calling them to the new reality. D: Are the ones with assault weapons going to shoot us all and send us to the Timeless Spaceless place? Ben: No. And that was a very low vibration thought. Try to think about the glorious days ahead when every day will bring exciting and beautiful new adventures in consciousness All the low-vibration scenarios will prove to be unfounded except for the people who choose to participate in them. For those who choose to move ahead there is great fun waiting, more things in heaven and earth than you have dreamed of, Horatio. D: Sounds good to me. How do we get to where all this good stuff is happening? Ben: Love. That's the highest frequency vibration. That's the force that endures through all the dimensions. D: All you need is love? Ben: Not for nothing the Beatles were who they were. They knew. At least intermittently. They knew in part and they saw in part. D: In a glass, darkly? Ben: So far that's the best any body has been able to manage. But a truckload of Windex is on the way. xo Ben.
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AuthorMy name is Donya and, for reasons I don't fully understand, Ben communicates with me from the After-life. Or as he calls it, the Timeless, Spaceless place. On this page I will tell the story of how I met Ben and agreed to help him tell his own story. This is where you can read excerpts from the messages he has been sending me since March of 2012. ArchivesCategories |