I saw a video about a village in India where the villagers gave some water to a huge snake, probably a cobra, that was desperately thirsty because of the drought conditions. Fortunately someone was present who knew how to handle snakes. He even had a professional snake hook for limiting the snake’s ability to move, though he had to make very little use of it. Once the snake realized he was receiving water he became very cooperative. A few weeks later I had a Wake-Up visit from a snake. My first thought was that I must have imagined this snake, inspired by the one in the video. But then I remembered a conversation I had a few years with a noted professional psychic medium. While we were talking, the spirit of a certain historical personage joined us, visible to her but not to me. The medium showed me how to see him and converse with him. I was pretty blown away. But almost immediately my skeptic voice spoke up. Isn’t it likely, I asked, that this famous person showed up because we were just talking about him? My medium friend replied that maybe he’s here because he heard us talking about him.Now I have to wonder if the attention I gave to one huge snake was heard or felt by another. I’m pretty sure that Edward is not the snake featured in the water video—mostly because Edward said he isn’t. He was difficult to understand and lacked what I’ll call the “thought vocabulary” possessed by creatures who spend a lot of time in the presence of humans. I’m not sure, for example if he knows the difference between a bowl and a bottle and I’m not sure whether just one or both of these utensils are part of his story. 10 April 2017 ME: Who is here? EDWARD: I'm Edward. M: Which Edward? E: I'm Edward of the parking lot. M: Are you the king that was buried under the car park in England? (I looked it up. That was Richard the Third.) E: I'M EDWARD! M: A king? E: I'M ----------- M: Edward the Confessor? E: NO! M: Are you human? E:------------------------------------- M: It's all right; you don't have to be. E: ------------------------------------------- M: How many legs do you have? E: None. M: Were you born that way? E: I'm---- M: A snake? E: I'm very Big. M: Like a python? Or a cobra? E: I'm the one who came for water. M: Are you the cobra who drank from the bottle? E: I'm like the one who drank but i didn't survive. M: Did people give you water? E: I drank from a 000 (image of something round) M: A bottle? E: And I lived and felt better and died later. M: The people were kind to you? E: It was very dry and I wanted to find water and some humans put water in a 0000 M: A bowl? E: It was round. M:: And you drank? E: I drank and felt better. Me: Did they hurt you? E: It was very hot and I was tired. Me: Did something attack you? E: I fell asleep by the bowl and I'm in this space now. M: Why haven't you gone to the TSP? E: I wish I had people. I was afraid of humans and they were afraid of me. But when I saw how kind they could be I wanted to be with them. BEN: Hi Edward. I'm Ben. E: I'm a snake. I'm Edward. B: Why are you named Edward? E: I'm a good snake. Edward is a good name. The man who helped me was called Edward. B: Is this the only encounter you've had with humans? E: Yes. I avoided them. I was fearful. B: Would you like to go home to the TSP? E: I want to be with some people. B: You can do that in the TSP and plan your next life. E: Can I plan a life with people who give me water? B: You could be a domestic animal. Or a bird. Or you could even be human. E: They always have water and things they need. Even when animals don't. They make things. I should like that. With hands and feet. I would love to be one of them. And give water to other creatures. B: Their lives can be difficult too. E: I would like to know more about being human. B: Let's go to the TSP and I'll introduce you to some. E: I'd like that. ------- Will they be afraid of me? Or will they hurt me? B: I'll introduce you to the people who love snakes. M: Herpetologists? B: Right. Scientists who love snakes. They'll take care of you until you're ready to explore on your own. E: Okay. Reflecting on my conversation I am puzzled by why I kept thinking he was royalty of some sort. Now I wonder if he was a King Cobra.
AuthorDonya helps Ben help "stuckees" move on to the Timeless, Spaceless Place. We used to think only human souls got stuck in the Gray Space But lately we have encountered a variety of animals who are clinging to something they are unwilling or afraid to let go of. ArchivesCategories |